Monday, January 12, 2015

Staying Healthy In Times Of Trial

Tears. Heartache. Food.
 For anyone that Is human, a quick fix that we often turn to in times of distress is food: Typically comfort food.  

What is comfort food?  Besides the typical mac n' cheese, lasagna, and greasy goodies, It is usually the food we grew up with, it has ties with us emotionally that remind us of mama, summer cookouts, and cold winter nights by the fire.  We often turn to these foods because of how it makes us feel emotionally.  When were sad, we want something that will make us happy, and this often comes at the expense of our health. 

As a fruitarian, I eat as clean as I believe possible through a diet of fresh raw organic fruits.  However as a human, I also experience the obstacles and hardships we all as people face in life. 

Recently, if I'm honest, life has been more harsh then could be wished.  Because of painful circumstances, I've lost contact with a family member that should have been a part of my life.  Two close family friends were killed in an tragic accident that could have been avoided.  Money problems.  Stress about ones future.  We all face these things, but it's how we deal with it that will make the difference towards a successful outcome. 

So what are some ways that we can release the stress caused by the hurdles we face in life?  Most importantly, how can we come to terms and discharge these feelings in peace without compromising our precious health? 

Here are a few ways that have helped me during times of great trial and sadness:

TALK TO SOMEONE!  Be it a family member or friend that you trust, a counselor, or even a pet (They make great listeners), talk to someone about your circumstances and how they are making you feel.  It may sound cliche, but I've found that talking to someone not only relieves much of the stress your carrying, but it also opens you up to receiving some very good advice from others who have gone through the same thing.  When you hold your emotions inside, not only will you continue to be unhappy, others will see and experience the effects of your unhappiness as well.  Take it from me!  So grab your nearest furry or human pal, and take comfort in knowing that you are on your way to peace again.

Use Your Spirituality!  No I'm not only talking about a specific religion. Whether through prayer, meditation, or something that opens your heart, take time to do something that connects you with your inner being.  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin stated that "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."  With this in mind, sometimes taking time to reconnect with our spiritual selves by spending time in peaceful practice is exactly what we need to stay grounded through stressful experiences.  So take time each day, however small, to take care and reconnect with you.  You'll be glad you did!

Exercise!  Be it running, yoga, swimming, biking or even lifting weights, exercise is proven to not only reduce stress, but increase self esteem as well.  I can attest to this because as an avid runner, I notice not only improved fitness levels but reduced stress from school and the daily trials of life.  So the Next Time Your Feeling Blue, throw on those running shoes and pull out the yoga mat, and you'll be on your way to the healthier happier you! :)

Find a hobby!  I personally love photography, so whenever I'm feeling down and in need of inspiration, I take a visit to the great outdoors with my camera, and this brings me happiness.  Gardening is another activity shown to reduce stress.  If your looking for something to do to relax that also brings beauty to your lawn, then this hobby may be for you.  Whatever you enjoy doing, try to make time each day or several days a week to do so.  Taking time for yourself is important, especially when its doing something you love! :)

Visit the Spa or create your own!  The spa is a great way to relax away the stress in your life.  Getting a facial, massage, and treating yourself to a makeover is a great way for us ladies to take a break from the stress in our lives.  If you can't afford the spa, as many of us can not, try filling a bath with warm water, and add in 1/2 cup of bentonite clay, 1/2 dichotomous earth, 1 cup of Himalayan pink salt, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.  This is not only great for your skin, but very relaxing as well.  You can also mix your leftover bentonite clay with water to form a paste, use this on your face as a detoxifying facial to pull toxins and clear the skin.

So the next time your feeling down, and the donuts are calling your name, try a few of these helpful knickknacks first.  They will not only reduce the stress you have, but they will benefit your health as well! :)

Take Care! -Bri

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